Why Cybersecurity is so Important (Quiz)

Test your Cisco Networking knowledge and skills by practicing this free online quiz “Why Cybersecurity is so Important”.

1. Facebook is the only platform which has never been hacked in history:


2. Which type of cyber attacks are executed through similar looking website links?


3. How can we best recover data if a hacking attack has occurred?


4. Open ports can cause DoS attacks:


5. Wannacry was which type of hacking attack?


6. How can we best prevent hackers from information gathering about our networks?


7. Which type of cyber attacks are most probable if we do not change default security credentials & start using the devices with default username/password?


8. Is it possible for a hacker to break windows password & get un-authorized access to your computer?


9. Hacking attacks are happening even before Internet:


10. Disabling the extra un-needed services is always a good practice:




You might also be interested in our free Online Quizzes on all IT topics including Cisco CCNA, Cyber Security, Python Programming, Linux & Ethical Hacking:

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Thank you for help us learn how we protect ourselves by protecting our privacy and other interests

world changer

how do you launch your homograph website ,because it is telling me that site can’t be reach?

Nelson kialen

Great been here

David Murungi

Why is it that HTTrack can’t download mirror image of most websites?


Peter barde irimiya


Richard Mathias


Nfor paul

I want join the discussion

Umar Imam
Latjor Wuon

good cybersecurity



Anyoti Ismail mugalia

Am loving this dear.

Excellent class .Do you offer computer forensic course?


Aminu sani


Samuel Anasha

couldn’t see my scores, will it be sent to my email?


Gasto Alex Didas

Thank for getting chance to lean some subject

Khamis abdalla


100% today

I enjoyed today’s session. Really straight foward

I have got 70%

Is good thing