Protecting your data and privacy (Cybersecurity Quiz)

Protecting your data and privacy (Cybersecurity Quiz)

Please complete your lecture/lab by instructor & then attempt this quiz to test your knowledge on “Protecting your data and privacy (Cybersecurity Quiz)”

Protecting your data and privacy (Cybersecurity Quiz)

1. How can you prevent others from eavesdropping on network traffic when operating a PC on a public Wi-Fi hot spot?


2. Process of converting the information into a form where an unauthorized party cannot read it, is called as:


3. Which one of below is the best password for security?


4. A user is having difficulty remembering passwords for multiple online accounts. What is the best solution for the user to try?


5. Which technology costs you less for data backups?


6. We should share our information such as Email & Phone on facebook so that our profile looks more attractive:


7. SDelete software is used for:


8. What is the best method to prevent Bluetooth from being exploited?


9. What is the main usage of OAuth 2.0 protocol?


10. We should avoid using special characters in passwords, such as  @ # $ % ^ & * ( 







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Protecting your data and privacy (Cybersecurity Quiz) by Networkwalks Academy.

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