Footprinting with Maltego (Cybersecurity Practice Labs)


Please follow the PDF Lab guide to complete all Maltego lab tasks & answer below questions.


TASK 5. What is the name of FTP Server of target?


TASK 3. What is the name of Mail Server of target?



TASK 6. What is the IP Address of FTP Server of target?



TASK 4. What is the IP Address of Mail Server of target?



TASK 1. Have you installed Maltego?



TASK 2. Which technologies/systems are running on the target’s server?







What is Maltego?

Maltego is software used for open-source intelligence and forensics, developed by Paterva from Pretoria, South Africa. Maltego focuses on providing a library of transforms for discovery of data from open sources, and visualizing that information in a graph format, suitable for link analysis and data mining.

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miyoba munsanje

great materials