Footprinting (Cyber Security Quiz)

Footprinting Quiz

Test your Cyber Security knowledge and skills by practicing this free online quiz on Footprinting Quiz.

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1. Google Hacking Database is a list of search queries that are used to find information which is restricted from public:


2. MALTEGO does not comes pre-installed in Kali Linux but we can install the free community version on Windows or Linux.


3. Attackers collect Footprinting information from different tools/sources including Whois, DNS & Emails:


4. Information obtained in Footprinting includes Network, OS & Open ports:


5. Which search operator returns results within URL which are useful for finding HTTP sites?


6. What are the Objectives of Footprinting?


7. Gathering information about the target without direct interaction is:


8. What are two types of Footprinting?


9. Which search operator returns only results with a specific phrase?


10. What is the first step of any hacking attack?




Protecting the organization & its assets from Cybersecurity attacks is critical these days. This Footprinting quiz & related lecture will help you to improve your knowledge & skills on this topic.

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