Cyber attack types, defenses & Laws (Cybersecurity Quiz)

Cyber attack types & defenses & Laws (Cybersecurity Quiz)

Please complete your lecture/lab by instructor & then attempt this quiz to test your knowledge on “Cyber attack types, defenses & Laws

1. Which type of data is lost in Reconnaissance Attacks?


2. Nmap, Maltego, WHOIS & JTR (John-the-Ripper) are used for reconnaissance attacks:


3. Cybersecurity laws are strict for companies. Therefore, only companies need to follow the Cybersecurity laws. Individuals can bypass them if needed.


4. Main types of Cryptography are:


5. Virus, worms & spyware fall under which category of Cyber attacks?


6. Hashing is which type of Cryptography methodology?


7. Acquiring information without direct interaction with targets and victims, is called as:


8. The mechanism to take advantage of a vulnerability is called as:


9. Phishing falls under which type of Security attacks?


10. A weakness in the system is called as:







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Good program