Cisco has announced new CCNP Certification & relevant Exams which will be effective from 24th February 2020. New rules will apply from Feb-2020 for CCNP. Below are the major changes with explanation.
What happens if you were in middle of your CCNP & have passed half already?
If you were already preparing for CCNP RS in 2019 & have passed 1 or 2 exams already then your hard work is not wasted & you will receive credit towards new Certification scheme. Follow the below table for CCNP Routing & Switching (use the links at the end for other CCNP tracks like CCNP Service Provider or CCNP Security):
You earn a Badge & Recognition after each step (You become Cisco Specialist after passing the Core Exam now)
Now you earn badge & recognition after you pass each exam on CCNP journey (previously, you had to wait until you pass all exams of CCNP e.g. you had to pass all three exams of CCNP R&S to get your CCNP Routing & Switching Badge & Certificate).
Now every exam in the CCNP Enterprise program gives you an individual Specialist certification, so you get recognized for your accomplishments along the way.
Prerequisites have been removed for CCNP!
There are no prerequisites for the CCNP exam now (previously, you had to pass CCNA to go for CCNP Exams). Now you pass the Core exam & become the specialist directly.
Core Exam for CCNP also takes you near to your CCIE
The core exam is also the qualifying exam for CCIE Enterprise Infrastructure and CCIE Enterprise Wireless certifications.
Changed (Updated) Exam Topics in new Blue Print of CCNP
The new CCNP Syllabus (blue print) focuses on on Enterprise Infrastructure (IPv4/IPv6), Virtualization, Infrastructure, Network Assurance, Security and Automation.
You can download the new Syllabus & Exam Topics of CCNP Core Exam here:Â CCNP-Core-v1.0-ENCOR-300-401.PDF
You can download the new Syllabus & Exam Topics of CCNP Enterprise Concentration (almost same as CCNP Route & Switching previously) Exam here:CCNP-Concentration-ENSLD-300-420.PDF
23rd February 2020 is your deadline for CCNP!
Candidates can only attempt the current exams before 23rd February & can attempt the new exams only after 24th February (all current CCNP exams will retire & will not be available anymore)
Two Exams for each Track of CCNP !
To pass any CCNP or CCIE in any Track, you have to pass two exams now (previously, it was different for each track. e.g. you had to pass 3 exams for CCNP R&S & 4 exams for CCNP Security).
This new scheme validates the basic core knowledge that candidates needs (Core Exam) while giving you the flexibility to choose a focus Track (Concentration Exam). You can attempt them in any order (e.g. concentration can be attempted before Core & vice versa). The two exams are:
i. CCNP Core Exam: There is a core exam which is different for all tracks of CCNP. Passing this exam is the first step toward earning any or all of CCNP Track certification (although you can attempt concentration exam before Core Exam). You become Cisco Specialist after you pass the Core Exam. You do not have to pass the Core Exam again when you appear for CCIE.
There is a different Core Exam for each track. For example, ENCORE (300-401) is required for CCNP Enterprise Track. You can download the new Syllabus & Exam Topics of CCNP Enterprise Core Exam here:Â CCNP-Core-v1.0-ENCOR-300-401.PDF
ii. CCNP Concentration Exam: After/before the Core exam, you can choose your Track to follow for your concentration exam which is specific to that track.
For Example, you can choose ENSLD (300-420) for Enterprise track. there are 5 CCNP fixed tracks now for Enterprise (previously, they were 10+). You can download the new Syllabus & Exam Topics of CCNP Enterprise Concentration (almost same as CCNP Route & Switching previously) Exam here:Â CCNP-Concentration-ENSLD-300-420.PDF
Below is the detailed Cisco Certification Pathway including CCIE on the top:
Below list shows all the CCNP Core & Concentration Exams for each Track:
Track | Core Exam | Concentration Exam |
CCNP Enterprise | 300-401 ENCOR Implementing and Operating Cisco Enterprise Network Core Technologies | 300-410 ENARSI Implementing Cisco Enterprise Advanced Routing and Services (ENARSI) 300-415 ENSDWI Implementing Cisco SD-WAN Solutions (ENSDWI) 300-420 ENSLD Designing Cisco Enterprise Networks (ENSLD) 300-425 ENWLSD Designing Cisco Enterprise Wireless Networks (ENWLSD) 300-430 ENWLSI Implementing Cisco Enterprise Wireless Networks (ENWLSI) 300-435 ENAUTO Automating and Programming Cisco Enterprise Solutions (ENAUTO) |
CCNP Collaboration | 300-801 CLCOR Implementing and Operating Cisco Collaboration Core Technologies | 300-810 CLICA Implementing Cisco Collaboration Applications (CLICA) 300-815 CLACCM Implementing Cisco Advanced Call Control and Mobility Services (CLACCM) 300-820 CLCEI Implementing Cisco Collaboration Cloud and Edge Solutions (CLCEI) 300-835 CLAUTO Automating Cisco Collaboration Solutions (CLAUTO) |
CCNP Data Center | 300-601 DCCOR Implementing and Operating Cisco Data Center Core Technologies | 300-610 DCID Designing Cisco Data Center Infrastructure (DCID) 300-615 DCIT Troubleshooting Cisco Data Center Infrastructure (DCIT) 300-620 DCACI Implementing Cisco Application Centric Infrastructure (DCACI) 300-625 DCSAN Implementing Cisco Storage Area Networking (DCSAN) 300-635 DCAUTO Automating and Programming Cisco Data Center Solutions (DCAUTO) |
CCNP Security | 300-701 SCOR Implementing and Operating Cisco Security Core Technologies | 300-710 SNCF Securing Networks with Cisco Firepower (SNCF) 300-715 SISE Implementing and Configuring Cisco Identity Services Engine (SISE) 300-720 SESA Securing Email with Cisco Email Security Appliance (SESA) 300-725 SWSA Securing the Web with Cisco Web Security Appliance (SWSA) 300-730 SVPN Implementing Secure Solutions with Virtual Private Networks (SVPN) 300-735 SAUTO Automating and Programming Cisco Security Solutions (SAUTO) |
CCNP Service Provider | 300-501 SPCOR Implementing and Operating Cisco Service Provider Network Core Technologies | 300-510 SPRI Implementing Cisco Service Provider Advanced Routing Solutions (SPRI) 300-515 SPVI Implementing Cisco Service Provider VPN Services (SVPI) 300-535 SPAUTO Automating and Programming Cisco Service Provider Solutions (SPAUTO) |
Exam validity is 3years now!
All CCNP exams’ validity is 3 years (which was same for most of CCNP exams previously as well).
Updated CE & other policies!
All certified individuals must still register for and pass the corresponding Cisco re-certification exam but individuals can now also re-certify by completing CE (continuing education) activities and earning points within those 3 years. The continuing education point cap has also been removed (e.g. for Cisco Live activities, content-authoring, writing exams etc).
The CE policy has been updated as well. Now you need:
30 CE’s for CCNA re-certification
40 CE’s for Specialist re-certification
80 CE’s for Professionals re-certification (OR pass any one professional concentration exam + 40 CE credits)
120 CE’s for CCIE re-certification (OR pass one technology core exam + 40 CE credits)
120 CE’s for CCDE re-certification (OR pass one technology core exam + 40 CE credits)
As always, individuals can re-certify by advancing to the next level of certifications as well. Certification must be met prior to the certification expiration date. Candidates with expired certification must repeat the entire certification exam process in order to regain their certifications status (this is same as before & no changes have happened here).
Do you know? CCIE & CCNA has also changed. You must read the changes here in our articles below:
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MAshallah…! I got each everything about NEw cisco path certification beacuse i had academic certificate CCNA 2015. but I had pass CCNA last october 2023. NOw really i understood my career n future. i can chose easily for CCNP PATH track. I wanna learn n pass CCNP Encore 350-401 or Can i acheived ROuting and Swicthing network professioanl..!! which one is best for me sir..!! kindly tell.!!80% confusion is cleared own my mind.