IP Routing & Routing Protocols Quiz (ENCOR, CCNP)

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1. What is the AD (Admin Distance) of directly Connected Routes?


2. A Router at Networkwalks company has learnt these three routes for same destination. Which path will be preferred from these three?


3. Route Summarization is also called as Superletting:


4. Is it possible to do Route Redistribution from Connected Routes into OSPF?


5. In OSPF, can we do summarization on an IR (Internal Router)?


6. EIGRP Routing Protocol falls under which type of Routing Protocols?


7. What is the Summary (aggregated) Route for these two routes?


8. What is the metric of IS-IS Routing Protocol?


9. Which path will be chosen by R1 for traffic of R2? (i.e. which route will have the highest preference in R1’s Routing Table?)


10. What is the metric of EIGRP?


11. Which path will be chosen by R1 for traffic of R2? (i.e. which route will have the highest preference in R1’s Routing Table?)


12. What is the metric of BGP?


13. What is the advantage of Summarization?


14. What is the metric of OSPF?


15. Which path will be chosen by R1 for traffic of R2? (i.e. which route will have the highest preference in R1’s Routing Table?)


16. What is the AD (Admin Distance) of Static Routes?


17. What is the Summary (aggregated) Route for these two routes?


18. Route Summarization is also called as Supernetting:


19. IS-IS Routing Protocol falls under which type of Routing Protocols?


20. BGP Routing Protocol falls under which type of Routing Protocols?






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