Home Assignment 4 (session 18-24)


1. What are the differences between Defensive & Offensive Security?


2. What are the commands to security the Telnet access to a Cisco Router?


3. What are different types of Access Control Lists?


4. What are the names of three Zones in Firewalls designs? Explain each of these zones briefly.


5. What is the main difference between a Traditional Data Center & a Controller based Data Center?


6. Write a Python Program (script) that will ask user for two numbers and then outputs the sum of them (A+B)


7. Write a Python Program (script) that will ask user for two numbers and then outputs the product of them (A*B)


8. Write a Python Program (script) that will ask user for two numbers and then outputs below based on the numbers that user inputs:
A is greater than B
B is greater than A


9. Write a Python Program (script) that will produce following output using while Loop:


10. Write a Python Program (script) that will produce following output using For Loop:






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please i will appreciate if the CCNA materials can be shared to my mail i actually missed the class due to unstable network