Gaining & Maintaining Access Phase (Hacking) Quiz

Gaining & Maintaining Access Quiz

Test your Cyber Security knowledge and skills by practicing this free online quiz on Gaining & Maintaining Access Phase (Hacking) Quiz.

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1. What is the relation between Metasploit & Armitage?


2. Attackers mainly use two methods to gain system access which are:


3. After gaining access & privilege escalation, the main target to make sure that the access doesn’t get removed, until it is needed by an attacker. This phase is called:


4. Metasploit contains how many modules total?


5. ‘Gaining Access’ is which phase of the hacking process?


6. ‘Maintaining Access’ is which phase of hacking process?


7. JTR (John the Ripper) tool is used for:


8. BeEF & JTR tools are used mainly for which phase of hacking?


9. Which of these is a payload used in Metasploit?


10. Encoders are used for payload encoding and encryption in Metasploit so that to bypass Antivirus or Firewall:



Protecting the organization & its assets from Cybersecurity attacks is critical these days. This Gaining & Maintaining Access quiz & related lecture will help you to improve your knowledge & skills on this topic.

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Jimmy white

Teach me how to hack