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Final Exam for Python Programming course.

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1. What is the correct way to create functions in Python?


2. What will be printed as a result of below Python code?

print("Network Walks Academy")



3. Which of below Python programs is correct, which asks user to input two numbers & returns their sum:


4. What will be the output of following Python code?

var1 = 1

var2 = 2

var3 = 3

print(var1, var2, var3)



5. The result of division in python is always a float number:


6. What is the meaning of below condition in Python scripting?



7. What will be printed as a result of below Python code?

print(“Network Walks Academy”+1)


8. Which statement is used to display text strings in Python?


9. In Python, ‘Hello’, is the same as ‘Hello”


10. Which Python code will result in below output?


11. Lists in Python3 are always denoted by:


12. Which code is correct for the If statement below?



13. What will be the output of following Python code?

a = 3 + 2 * 4 + 4



14. What will be printed as a result of below Python code?

print(“Network Walks Academy”+”one”)


15. Which of below Python programs is correct, which asks user to input two numbers & returns their sum:


16. Tuples in Python3 are always denoted by:


17. Which Python code is used to configure Hostname on a Cisco Router in Python 3?


18. Which of below Python programs is correct, which asks user to input two numbers & returns their sum:


19. What will be the output of following Python code?

var1 = 1

var2 = 2

var3 = 3

print(var1 + var2 + var3)



20. Which operator can be used to compare two values in Python3?


Question 1 of 20



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George Marufu

Dear examiner

I noticed number 10 had 2 similar answers both correct. ie Network Walks Academy. Also number 12 questions had no relationship to given to given answers. On both instances I just had to use my understanding of Python code to determine which would run should I compile.